Sustainability and Style: The Remarkable Blend at The Chambers of Distinction

In the heart of artistic innovation, The Harrison Chambers of Distinction stands as a beacon of sustainability and style, showcasing an ingenious approach to harmonising both aspects. This exceptional establishment demonstrates the power of creativity and imagination in transforming a property into a haven that's both environmentally conscious and visually captivating.


Embracing Local Antiques for Timeless Charm

From elegant beds to intricate clocks, every corner of Harrison Chambers reflects a story of its own. The secret? A conscious choice to source furnishings from local antique shops and auction houses. This not only infuses the space with a unique charm but also champions sustainability by reimagining the past, breathing new life into forgotten treasures.


Beneath Our Feet: The Essence of Sustainable Flooring

The use of the original mahogany floorboards, from the Royal Victoria Hospital, demonstrates the sustainability ethos. A dedication to using sustainable materials ensures that every step taken within the chambers is a step towards a greener future.


Carpets with a Legacy: Ulster Weavers' Time-Honored Craft

Established in 1880, Ulster Weavers' carpets weave more than threads—they weave history. The choice to use these carpets not only envelops the chambers in a sense of tradition but also supports local craftsmanship and reduces the environmental impact through responsible sourcing.


Warming Hearts and Spaces with Belfast-Made Radiators

Cast iron Arroll radiators, forged in the heart of Belfast, not only emit warmth but also exude a commitment to local production. This choice underscores the importance of minimizing carbon footprints and supporting local industries.


Glass Elegance: A Plastics-Free Pledge

Every sip becomes an experience with decanters and glassware that shine with sophistication. Harrison’s resolute stand against plastics showcases a dedication to preserving the environment while indulging in the finer things in life.


A Local Touch: Field Day Toiletries

Stepping into the chambers means immersing yourself in the essence of the locale. The use of toiletries from local company Field Day envelops guests in the scents and textures of the region, fostering a deeper connection to the surrounding with vegan and cruelty free products.


In summary, The Harrison Chambers of Distinction is more than just a place to stay—it's a testament to the harmonious blend of sustainability and style. Through the artful curation of local antiques, support for regional artists, and the use of locally produced items, the establishment paints a picture of an innovative future where luxury and eco-consciousness go hand in hand. Whether you're seeking a tranquil escape or a source of inspiration, Harrison Chambers offers an experience that's as distinctive as it is enlightening.



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